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Rivers of the World

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39Eliz | 09:02 Mon 20th Feb 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
The answers to the following clues are all rivers or contain the name of a river in the answer. (Number of words and letters in answer in brackets)

1. American happily dominated by another domestic pet in the Midlands (4,3)
2. Biblical banker gave Ahab an alternative spell in Damascus (6)
3. Antipodean view of Britain as an aged banker (3,4)
4. Burrowing insect for a game on the pier? (4,7)
5. Quay at Eyemouth (6)
6. American banker heard to put number first in Greenwich code (9)

Any help would be appreciated to complete quiz


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3 Old Dart-(Aussie slang for the old country)-River Dart
5 Wharfe
6 Tennessee? 10 SE
2 Jordan?
Sorry,dr b, I was out tonight and didn't know you had already answered no6

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Rivers of the World

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