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One of those days

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giveup | 16:42 Mon 20th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Forgot to put the bins out,printer sending out green pictures,camera gone peculiar, What next?


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Nothing. That's your 3 for the month :)
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One of your teas might help. Preferably with chocolate cake.
How about a coffee with a spot of brandy (well, more than a spot!!) and a choccy brownie?
mine has been pants from waking up. just waiting for something else to break
I hate days like that. They really should be illegal.
After the stresses of the weekend.. I have been told I have overpaid my leccy DD reduced by 40% and £250 to come back, Redman has done the housework and I handed in my notice
where are you off to?
Rowan, how long to work out your notice? If you don't mind me asking.
Please tell me you'll be moving in with Red. (I love a happy tale xx)
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Yes please Alba, my mouths watering.
Retiring! at 55 the end of June hopefully himself will have moved in by then and we can finish sorting the wedding out..

Happy enough for you?
just a bit Rowan, just a bit :D xxx

lovely news, rowan x
So is this all official, rowan, redman on his knee (not housemaid knees), that sort of thing, so we can pop the fizz bottles here and on the Apotheosis pages.....?
We've been engaged for ages a little blip but reunited last june Wedding hopefully 9th or 10th of November
Redman on his knees! Who helped him to get up on his feet? :-)
Don't be so cheeky carrust tripods are very stable...

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One of those days

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