women's problems in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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women's problems

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littlemissx | 11:14 Tue 15th Nov 2005 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
can not drinking enough water stop your periods???
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No it cant, but it will damage your health.

Getting Pregnant stops them for 9 months.

Question Author
i am now starting to drink more water but my periods my periods have always been irregular but this month i havent come on at all.... i'm not pregnant and so far its 52 days. the most i've gone before is 48 but it still worries me


Not being funny but that to em sounds like a valid enough reason to go to the quacks and get urself seen to properly otherwise you will never get to the bottom of the problem. Speeak to your quack thats why he gets paid, and to be honest there is also no reason to eb shy because in matters of health one should be bold and to the point xxxx


Lots of things can cause irregular periods including low levels of the hormone that causes ovulation and menstrual cycles, anorexia, ovarian cysts, thyroid problems, all of which require you to get to your doctor's and have a check up. The likelihood is it's just stress. Do you get stressed out?? You would have had to stop for about 6 months to be diagnosed with secondary amenorrhea, but a visit to the doctors will put your mind at rest.
Being with other women who are menstruating can help your cycle. Women who live together often bleed together. Strange, but true!

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i dont tend to get stressed although i have suffered from high bp in the past
Define 'enough'. If you don't drink any beverage at all for days, you will still be getting fluids from foods you eat. However, I do have a problem of getting my periods to start if I don't drink enough water.

As for irregular menstruation, a friend of mine has got to be a case-study for this. She can go period free for 2 to 3 months and then have her period over a course of 14 days, and she ain't pregnant. The doctors told her it's cause of her diet and her tendency to get stressed out over family matters, no matter how big or small they are. So, if you are having problems with your periods, maybe you gotta relax a little in order for it to come.

I'd suggest Primrose Evening oil or was it evening primrose oil.. can't remember, forgive me. But taking that natural medication can help regulate your menstruation and after a few months of taking them, you won't even feel any cramps!
Question Author
some days i was barely drinking at all but i am now drink my minimum of 8 glasses a day
Listen to Drusilla and Gnisy.
DO you practice any sports or work outalot in the gym?
Those who practice a lot of sport i.e. marathon running, triathalons, etc or do a lot of gym work can lose/stop their periods for years, depending on the individual.
Another thing to do with diet is eating disorders
It may seem with you that is linked to water, but I am a man. Make sure you see a woman doctor or even ab experiuenced gynee nurse, they are often better than the GP.
take care

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