Will I be single for life? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Will I be single for life?

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Tock389 | 13:56 Tue 15th Nov 2005 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
Have been single for almost a year, and have just moved to a new city. Am not desperate, but really feel ready for another relationship. I've been told I'm good looking, but can't seem to find anyone.
Went speed dating in Feb, met a girl who I started seeing for about six weeks, but we were weren't really compatible. My question is, should I be out looking for someone or is it fated to happen? Try to socialise as much as possible but can't seem to find anyone.
Just be nice to find someone to share things with, go on holiday etc. My friends are all settling down and getting married. I've just turned 30 as well, which is a landmark age for a single man, apparently.
Sorry to be miserable, but it's all getting to me a bit..
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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You did not say what city or town you have moved to, but I am sure there are ladies you can meet. Try looking on http://myspace.com

You will find somebody. Do not rush it, as the right lady will come along. But you must put yourself where the ladies are! For example, join a club or do some volunteer work or join a church, or take a class. Put yourself in a situation where you already have something in common with the lady. Trying to find somebody at a bar is quite difficult, as you do not have a starting point except for drinking.

Be positive about yourself. That always shows, and is more important than looks.

Good luck.

I have the same problem too and im female! where are ya!!! lol

You know what they say.... whilst you're looking, you wont find no-one. But when your all laid back and not bothered about finding anyone, your self confidence and positive 'aura' will make you VERY attractive and the right woman will find you.

Try not to be too eager when your dating. Concentrate on being an interesting SINGLE person, and you will be beating them off with a stick!!!! TRUE

yeah, she's right. try too hard and you'll get nowhere. Relax- it's all about the flow.

But Im not going to get too into this 'cos Im feeling particularly disillusioned at the mo. :O)

Exactly, just try not looking. I know it's hard, but try. I've got to say I don't think you'll meet the love of your life speeddating, maybe try a new hobby, ask your coupled up friends to set you up, as long as they take it seriously and want to find you a ladyfriend, not just taking the mick.

I've always found that going to a coffee shop or something regularly is a good way of meeting people. As long as it isn't a Starbucks or something, you'd be surprised the amount of people who you'll see week after week. Then it's only a small step to a smile, a wee chat, buying them coffee and a conversation which could lead to anything! Think positive, of course there's someone out there for you! There's no reason there shouldn't be!

I'll go out with you ;-)

A year is not that long IMO. I think we are led to believe that we all settle down by 30 which of course isn't true. I don't think age plays a factor necessarily. Don't worry what other people are doing - we never really know what goes on behind closed doors even if things look cosy on the outside. I would say do things for yourself - like socialising with friends, playing sport, working in a job you enjoy, travelling etc so that you are putting yourself out there. Maybe this is just a phase you are going through of worrying about being single - hey we've all been there and I'm currently wearing the t-shirt. Good for you moving to a new city - it shows you are adventurous, which is a nice trait. And you must be confident to go speed dating - I know a lot of people who don't have the guts to go. You sound like you have a lot going for you!

"Things rarely happen because you WANT them too... they happen when you expect it least, and need it most."

Just a quote i thought i'd share, i think in many situations it's very true.


If you are lonely , you will always be lonely inside even if you have a partner if you don't come to terms with yourself and who you are.
It is difficult , but even I learnt it so it can work.Learn to live for today.Learn to accept the person you are now. If you are not content then look for positive ways you can improve your life. Having a partner does not necessarily make you are content.
50% of marriages end after the children leave home because the partners have no common ground anymore

Learn to accept you as you are. love yourself (but not too often)
Women will see a contented , confident person who accepts himself. That is attractive.

Every door you open is an opportunity to a new experience.
Appreciate being on your own for now because you might soon meet someone and wish you were single again. Nobody to argue with what's for dinner, nobody to argue over what's on T.V, nobody to tell you what to do with your free time. You can decorate your house to just your own taste. There are more single people living alone than ever before. Men can go to the pub and meet someone, there are always plenty of girls looking for single fellas but they end of with married men who pretended they were single for the night. Work places are great places for meeting people. You will soon meet the right girl, just wait for fate to happen.

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