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Women feeling cold

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Chessman | 17:29 Mon 14th Nov 2005 | Body & Soul
22 Answers
I was just wondering, now the winters starting to set in, why do women generally feel the cold more than men?. My wife, bless her, has the heating on, and she wears a fleece, while I suffocate, and in bed, apart from bedclothes, has a thick duvet, plus an overblanket, but my observations tell me that as already said, women in general feel the cold more, WHY?. I know this question was asked last year, but I feel it needs a second airing.
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Thanks copippin and loocfox for this.I am going to look into this yucca stuff and give it a try.I'll try anything to be free of this pain. I don't take the drugs from the doctor anymore because of the side effects and glucosamine hasn't I just rely on painkillers a lot of the time.I have what they call whole body OE.Which means it is in all my joints...even my toes !!
Thanks once again for reccomending this.
I get very cold in the winter. Men have thicker skin that is the reason why they do not feel the cold so much. Men had to have thicker skin because they used to go out hunting. The only hunting men do nowadays is hunting down the pub. It is very hard working in an office in the summertime when the air conditioning goes on and it is so cold. I have to wear a cardigan in the office when it is baking hot outside. Why can't they just bring it down to about 21 degrees, not 18 degrees? I have seen men moaning it is too hot and they are wearing vests under their shirts.

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Women feeling cold

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