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Any 5 Live Listeners here?

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EvianBaby | 15:57 Wed 22nd Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
There's a chance I might be on Richard Bacon's 'Moan In' section in a little while.

I e-mailed a moan and they just called and said they liked it so would call me back at 3.30 and see if they could get me on. Oooohhhh, I'm all nervous!


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Meh, that's what I get for advertising the fact it annoys me.

As long as they don't call me anything nasty. :)
Well done Katy - I heard it go out live and thought you did well.

I have a similar problem with the spelling of my surname (which is not Hopkirk)
Used to have the same problem now since I changed my name everyone seems to assume I'm a bloke as the only Rowans they know are R Williams and Atkinson
No, I didn't win anything. Other than the smugness of being good at moaning.

TBH Cathy... your moan was Fosters poor incomparison to some ABers rants on here.
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Thanks Hopkirk, I feel a bit silly about it now.

At least people don't assume I'm a bloke though. Poor Rowan.

Mitch, I agree. I've had better whinges myself here. I actually thought the bloke before me with the loo roll deserved the title over me.

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