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The world has gone mad

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TheOtherHalf | 11:16 Wed 22nd Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
Just reading in DM that a man drowned in a 3 foot deep lake as paramedics etc stood and watched as they were given strict orders to stay on dry land for health and safety reasons ??? Why take up a job like that if you are not able to save peoples lives. It just doesnt make sense. I couldnt live with myself if I had not tried to save someone when I know I could have.


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Frederick 1 (Barbarossa) died (1190), in 3 feet of water - but he was wearing very heavy armour. This, I agree, has little to do with the matter in hand, but I just thought of it. :-)
agree paddy, who around here is disagreeing though? If so, why?
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Thank you for all your comments. I think most on here would agree to a bit of common decency for a fellow human being. I think when we stop doing that, we are heading for an uncaring world that really has gone mad because of pc and health and safety

Take care everyone. Your life depends on it x
Evidence given at the inquest was that this was never a 'health and safety issue' for the Fire Fighters.

By the time the Fire Brigade got there the man had been face down in the water for some time and the senior man made a decision (which no one has since contested) that the victim was already dead.

As such, it was no longer a Rescue but a body retrieval matter, so he called in the relevant people for that job.

Not as exciting as the other version of the story but it is factually correct.
According to the newspaper report, and that's all I can go by, the Fire officer was informed by a member of the public how long the man was in the water.Why did he just accept that as being correct and do nothing ? the water wasn't deep or even moving. By the time the other people arrived of course he was dead, he had been floating face down for half an hour but he might not have been when the first firemen arrived.

Don't know vulcan, but the Coroner decided based on all the evidence that the officers involved had done nothing wrong and had no case to answer

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The world has gone mad

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