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at the end of january i told you all...

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janzman | 12:34 Thu 23rd Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I was going in for surgery.Well its all over now I was in hospital for 5 days and discharged last Sunday.I hurt like a SOB but I have all sensations and about 60% manouverability.I'd like to thank the spinal surgery unit of the Derby Royal Hospital who were utterly brilliant in their care of me.Slowly slowly eac day gets a little better....


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Glad all went well, best wishes for a speedy recovery :)
good news jan, can only get better.
Get well soon!
Glad to hear all went well. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.It's great to hear a hospital getting thanks and praise.
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Oh great and glad you are getting there xxx
good news....take care...a day at a time...
Glad to hear things are improving and you are on the road to recovery. Take care x
thats excellent news janzman, I hope you will be back to 100% soon x
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My recovery is accelerated on the shoulders of your kind words thankyou
Great ! :-) (Well except for the pain that is.)
Good news janzman - welcome back :)
Good to see you again, best wishes for a speedy recovery
Janzman , so glad to hear all is done, many good wishes for a complete return to full strength. ♥

Good to hear the op is over, hope you are fully better soon.
Question Author
Again, a million thanks to each and all :-)
get well soon! x
good luck

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at the end of january i told you all...

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