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What have you given up for 40 days of Lent?

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sandyRoe | 15:35 Wed 22nd Feb 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
27 Answers
I live such a frugal and abstemious life already that I can't really see anything to give up. So, I've dusted down my hair shirt and I'll wear it for the next 40 days.


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I need limit my intake of cheesecake, chips, crisps and chocolate but for the next 40 days I promise to refrain from abstaining of the aforementioned foods.
I might go with no fish on Fridays . . . nah.
when is it by the way,anyone know?
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Lent, do you mean? It started yesterday.
I'm going to give up feeling sorry for believers, I think I might be able to manage that for 39 days, but I will need the odd reminder.
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Just be glad you're not Rick Astley!

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What have you given up for 40 days of Lent?

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