No expert but I'd clear off the overdrafts. It is expensive money. That said get professional advice about personal money and the company's money, there may be legal/financial quirks which make the putting of more personal money into a business less beneficial than might first seem to someone like me.
The mortgage, well it depends. Mortgages tend to be cheap money, so the question is whether, if you paid it off, you'd find yourself wanting to borrow later for something. Only pay that off if you know the £180k is enough for all your needs. Or maybe pay some off ?
As you have no pension you may wish to consider sorting out a (future) income at this point. If you want to try the renting market then fine, but that is a personal decision on what you invest in. I'd suspect it wasn't a bad choice at the moment. But be aware of all the CGT nonsense that comes with it.
Otherwise get a broker and advice on investing in the market, find out where to split your imminent wealth into various opportunities. Or even set up a pension fund.