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sunny-dave | 23:25 Mon 27th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Just a one liner on facebook which I don't think she'll mind me passing on :

"hey....just to let you all know..... I SURVIVED"

best news of the day :)



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Bugger that! I'm home messing around in there!

And seeing as I only got around three hours sleep I'll be glad of my own bed, so just grabbing a bite to eat and off for a nap...
Thank you for all your thoughts.....

Lisa xxx
14:42 Tue 28th Feb 2012
Welcome home Lisa, nice to have you back :-) Just don't overdo it!! Do like I do, eat, sleep, drink & let your body repair itself.

And definately, let yourself be pampered - you need & deserve it!!
Good news..take it easy Lisa...get someone to peel you a grape or two !!

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