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EvianBaby | 19:21 Tue 28th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Does it still exist?


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Which one?
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I think it was the official one, that used to be private but got set to public a couple of months ago. I joined with my Evi Babsy facebook profile but can't seem to find it now.
I tried to register to it with my new FB profile but no luck.
Oooh I have just noticed it has disappeared! :(
Seems to have vanished Evian.
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Odd! I don't log on to that fb profile often but just did and noticed it wasn't listed at the side like normal so went looking but it seems like its been removed.
Good to know I'm not missing anything!
and there it was gone ...

was definitely still live a week or so ago, but rather cobwebby & unloved I think ?
Perhaps the Ed decided to distance AB from FB because of all the hooha of late.
I've just checked myself now and by jingo, you're right, tis goooorn! Just goes to show how much notice of it I took when someone has to point out to me it's missing eh? LOL
Short answer: nope!

Longer answer: as others have said, it was a bit unloved and didn't really serve a purpose.
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Hmmm, says something when nobody noticed it wasn't there anymore. Ahh, I feel a bit sorry for it now.
I hadn't noticed it had gone walkabouts either and I would have thought I'd notice the missing 1 post a month popping up on my news feed too :)
Awww bless it

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