We have a large tree to the rear of our garden and we have new naighbours and they have said about cutting it down, is there anyway we can stop them, as its quite sentimental to me!
Irrespective of whose land it sits on, it is the local authority that has the power to put a Tree Preservation Order on it. They are more likely to be amenable to doing this if the tree is substantial and you live in an urban area with relatively few mature traditional tree types around.
Speak to the planning department who will put you in touch with the appropriate officer.
Take a photo of the tree as well.
You can apply for a TPO on any tree regardless of where it is or who the land belongs to, as others have said. Just contact your local council. Even if a tree doesn't have a TPO on it, you shouldn't just cut in down. Tree surgeons will not cut any tree down (regardless of a TPO without contacting the council first - it's more than they dare do.)
Tell your neighbours you are contacting the council about this.
Interstingly Lottie there is a "get out" clause of the 4 D's, at least here in the New Forest. If the tree surgeon can say that the tree is dead, dying, diseased or dangerous, then it can be cut down or pruned without talking to the council...woe betide the surgeon if he gets it wrong though...
Get on to your local council ASAP they have what is called a tree officer and they're the ones who tell you if you can cut it down or not..My friend is one in Essex and she is constantly visiting people who want to cut down tree's for no good reason and she tells them No - whether its in their garden or not..