Was just wondering, we see lots of people asking for help with 'Crosswords, Puzzles etc often saying its for a prize or money, but how many have won anything after the help ABers give them?
Anyone won the jackpotor even a booby prize?
It would be interesting to know...
Well no one has said that their win was directly to do with help by ABers, seems a bit timewasting to me. I would like to think if I put time and effort into helping with a crossword or puzzle for someone they were going to benefit by it.
BTW, I won £25 on the prem/bonds 50 years ago, I suppose by todays value it would be like winning £100.
i won a dictionary last week, £225 last year (several prizes) and £6k on a spot the ball four years ago first and last time i ever entered). i still keep plodding on in the hope of more goodies! and xwording is fun!