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Susannah watch Thursday

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waterboatman | 07:02 Thu 08th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
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What is that jacket?


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I was just thinking about it !!

Can't quite make my mind up between school-marm or something else.

Wardrobe Dept have obviously bought an excess of jackets this week.
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The wardrobe department are having a laugh, or doing it for a dare. It's hideous!
That's the word Boaty !! At least Sally and Steph are wearing nice dresses.

Susu seems to be wearing trousers :(
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Steph ans Sally do look lovely. I like the colour of Steph's dress.
Said it yesterday, I'll say it again, we have taste :) It is a nice colour.

However, there is still no Carol, sniff I know she is entitled to a holiday, but couldn't they warn us beforehand so we don't have to go cold turkey?
I have to confess to never having watched morning or daytime TV. Actually for two years I watched no TV.


I will leave the two of you to your fashion critique.
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I agree alba. She is sorely missed. I hope she is back next week and we can rejoice! :o}
Morning Wolf, how's the poody cats??

TV is only on in the background for the clock, honest injun :)

I hope she is Boaty.
I think Susu is wearing a snake !
alba - took then to the vet for their boosters. Frankie goes there a lot with his asthma and was good as gold.

I asked the vet to check Merlin as she didn't seem to be seeing things properly and I also wanted the vet to try and clip her claws - she has big hairy paws.

The vet's diagnosis was that her eyes seemed okay but that she was a bit vague and confused looking and probably a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic. But the vet did add that she was a beautiful cat.

Clipping her claws - at one stage there were four of us and Merlin was wearing a muzzle (on a cat!) but we gave up when the growls and hissing got really bad. She didn't actually injure any of us - we were too scared to go near her.

Little miss stupid is still in her bed.

I love your Princess Merlin :D

She reminds me of one of our not-so-clever cats. She let everyone else look after her, so I guess she was clever in her own way :-)

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