The Beeb still seems to be obsessed with stand up comedians having their own show. There's someone called Kevin Bridges (I think that's him) and now Sarah Millican whose voice is very annoying. I'm getting fed up of the adverts every evening - many times a night. Is there no other sort of funny entertainment?
It's no doubt me but I find stand ups very unfunny and annoying! That's my rant over.
Its cheap entertainment. The TV company pays one person, no set designers, costumiers, production staff, cast etc. The comedians have ultimate exposure and immediately command high prices on arena tours and away they go. Who's next? Form an orderly queue.
I like Sarah Millican, she's really funny. But I do know what you mean about the 'adverts' on BBC. They may as well do away with the licence and advertise.
I love stand up comics - when they are on stage. But when they get their own show, it cheapens them somewhat IMO. Kevin Bridges & John Bishop are among my top faves, but I watched one of their shows & switched straight off. There's nowt worse than to get the DVD for Xmas only to find the jokes repeated on the these TV shows or worse the other way around.
What ever happened to proper 'jokes'? All we get is a convoluted story with some funny moments in it centred around what happened to them in the supermarket or on the way to the studio. No-one seems to tell proper jokes any more.
Does anyone else get fed up with the BBC discovering a new comic then flogging them to death by putting them onto every show going? Sarah Millican was an original talent when she first appeared but in the past year she seems to have been constantly on TV - I think she's only got to do Songs of Praise and The Sky at Night to have been on every show in the schedules.