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I just wanted to say

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EvianBaby | 23:45 Thu 08th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I got my house!!!

I might have only mentioned this 7 times today but I'm so happy and excited and I want a big yay!!!


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Well done Evian Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Oh well done, hope you will be v happy, x
Congratulations! Enjoy your new home.
Well done evian, hope you enjoy it.
Yayyyyy. I must have been wandering round with my ears closed, but I haven't heard about your house. Where, what, when and whether?
I'm happy for you, you must tell us all about it (Roses round the door? White picket fence?) Large kitchen? Nice garden? ? ? ?

Congrats Evian. Is this rent or buy?
YAY! Congratulations, Evian! :-)
Oh well done EB!! Big hugs xx
WOOOHOOOOOO congrats missy xxxx
congratulations. it's a onderful feeling. hope you are very happy there.x
Congratulations EB, welcome to poverty!
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Lol, thank you everyone!

Just renting mic, it would take me forever to save a deposit to buy but it's a lovely house and I'm so excited!

It's a step forward to moving on and up from a little bit of naffness
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....over the past year.
hope you will be very happy there Ev !

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I just wanted to say

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