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Saturday Lunch ...

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sunny-dave | 14:03 Sat 10th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
... what's on your menu ?

Here it's a toasted ciabatta roll stuffed with brie & rustic salami - washed down with a small drop of NZ Sauv Blanc :=)


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An Old Vines Tempranillo 04 here NoM - the Chablis mediocre....was a present though....
You make I laugh NoM - with your"Austerity soirees"! ;0)
Long roll stuffed with two frankfurters and 2lbs of fried onions, lightly salted, followed by a coffee with a pecan and maple pastry.
I'm drinking a mug of Yorkshire tea.
It has a cheeky bouquet with hints of tannin and top notes of milk
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Direct from the tea plantations of Barnsley ... hand picked by comely virginal wenches ... <possibly >
Yorkshire Tea!!??...please..i"m in tears of laughter now! ;0))x
Nothing, only had alpen porridge, and a few cheese snacks so far
Do you know why Jesus wasn't born in Barnsley?

They couldn't find 3 wise men and a virgin
Apparently there's been a really good crop of tea in Cornwall this year. It's on sale in Fortnum and Masons, consequently expensive.......
like sunny-dave said,"Were it picked in Barnsley,or grown in a shed in Wakefield? ;0)
Zhukov, are you thinking of tea...or rhubarb?
aye Yorkshire Tea = Rhubarb!! ;0)
Tregothnen - over-rated Lord Falmouth's marketing....

Camelias have been well and truly out here though, so that they are having a bumper crop is no surprise.

I mention the marketing; apparently they own the Smugglers Inn near the King Harry River on the Fal and were being investigated by Trades & Descriptions for selling cream teas last summer at some £12 plus - including their own tea, which some plonker in management (the pub is managed by the son I understand) decided to cut with Typhoo.....that is not exactly smart if the case - I haven't heard the outcome of the investigation, but if it is true, that is so numptyish.
Zhu Zhu... It's only a tasting menu. I got the lamb half price in Waitrose and the rest of the stuff wasn't all that pricey.

How's the Tempranillo, DT? Last time I imbibed that grape, it was in the form of Ribera del Duero.
tell you later, NoM.....enjoy your soirée de desgustation.....
now I can't spell it, dégustation.....
Marmalade on toast for lunch. Looking forward to jerk chicken, rice and salad for dinner.

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