Hi All, I keep getting emails emails from a job site about a free CV review with Bradleys CV. Has anybody had one of these, are they legitimate? I am looking for something new so its something I am thinking of but I am also aware I sending the something with my name/address/dob etc.....any help appreciated - thanks.
Lots of these sites are springing up as more and more people look for work, it is usually due to you registering on a job-site. You can write your own CV for free and it will be a lot more accurate/truthful, thus ensuring you don't get caught out at an interview trying to give an answer to something on your CV that you don't recall due to the company putting it in strange way. If you search the web you can find plenty of help on CV's without paying out money to a total stranger.
Bradleys is a CV writing service like many others. It is legitimate in the sense that it is allowed by law but whether it is better than any other service or if you even need help to produce your CV only you can judge.
I think some of these sites are ok but be careful. I work with the unemployed and I was shocked that some people pay for services that are available for free. You can book a Next Step appt at your local job centre (even if you're in work) and there are lots of CV templates and examples online that you can steal to get yourself a nice CV done at home. I use JobFox UK - they have a lot of modern templates so that you stand out from the crowd. Good luck!