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bellazella | 01:05 Mon 12th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Have you any black anything?


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Me a sexy black dress
Oh Gosh could not begin to list how many black items, am a Goth of a Gran me .
Question Author
Naughty lady mama
Im a colourfull person and anytime i wear black i get compliments because people are sooo not used to it!

I love black underwear. I had a lovely black dress on last night and the most amazing black boots x
Question Author
Sounds great
Yes but Tinks comes home in a trolley, I get a cab LOL

Sorry baby tinks ((HUG))
Sorry, girls, but can you kill this conversation? All this talk about black underwear is setting my heart racing and it reacts badly with my medication.
Question Author
Blackand lacy
Shoestring straps.
I own loads of black things....underwear, dresses, trousers, shoes, bags.
Me too Vodka - I seem to live in black! More slimming .......!!! but I hate black at funerals.
satin sheets!
" a black eye?"
I have lots of black things. It goes with most others colours doesnt it. I have to wear black shoes for work. I have black trousers, a black jacket, black underwear for special occasions, a long black dress hanging in the wardrobe which I havnt work for years and a couple of black and and white tops. I love black but wouldnt wear all black like some do. I dont do black at funerals though.
lots pants, sweaters , undies, shoes, jet jewellery,
If I listed all my black stuff it would fill this page.
At this mo I'm wearing black trousers black top with a red & black & grey chiffon scarf. I'll be going out soon & my top coat is black & white check.
Enough black for you bella?

almost everything in my wardrobe.....I 'brighten' it with scarves and jewellery.

When I was a small child, many moons ago, my fav doll was a black one.
When I was about 15 my nan told me I was too young to be in black!
This does'nt mean anything to younger people to-day, but in the late 50's
it was a bit different.

It's always been my favourite colour.

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