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Wharton | 01:55 Sun 11th Mar 2012 | Jokes
24 Answers
A was educated at Oxford.
Govan High masel.


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Shouldn't this be in the 'Jobs and Education' section?
09:30 Sun 11th Mar 2012
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Ectually A think most people haven't got it yet.
What does it mean?
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notafish - say "A was educated at Oxford" in a theatrical upper class English accent - then say "Govan High masel" in a theatrical guttural Glasgow accent. Come to think of it, it's not that funny, but the comments were!!
I don't get the "Govan High masel" bit. How does that sound with a Scottish accent, what's it supposed to mean? I know it'll totally ruin the joke now that you're trying to expalin it, but I'm curious now.

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