Yes this one was given to me by a's the best one I've tried and is delicious.
8oz SRFlour,6oz Soft Brown Sugar,6floz Sunflower Oil,7oz Grated Carrot,1 1/4 tspn Cinnamon, 1 1/4 tspn Baking Powder, 1 1/4 tspn bicarb, 3 eggs
Beat the eggs,add the sugar and keep beating while you add the oil.Sieve all dry ingredients into a bowl and mix together. Fold all the dry into the wet. Fold in the carrots. Divide into 2 lined and greased tins. Bake at 150 celsius for 35 mins.
Fill and top with buttercream made with 4oz Philadelphia,2oz Butter,2 tsp vanilla extract and 8oz icing sugar (just beat together until smooth and add a little more sugar if it's too runny)