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inconsiderate drivers

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lozzer50 | 19:12 Tue 13th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Why oh why do smokers insist on throwing lit cigarettes out of their car windows? have they no common sense!!!! a young daughter of friend of mine nearly had a nasty accident through someone doing this . she was strapped in her seat her mum had her window open because it was warm and an idiot threw a lit cig out of his window, it got sucked into her car and just missed her daughter luckily she wasnt badly hurt


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I have a special envelope in my car that was given out by York City Council in which ti put cigarette ends to save littering the streets with them, they were handing them out in the city centre several months ago.
15:04 Wed 14th Mar 2012
Why do 'some' smokers.
That is why i hate to see idiot dog owners allowing their dogs to go along with their heads stuck out of the car window!
It's thoughtless yes but I'm sure they don't insist on doing it.
What are we supposed to do? Have it stinking our own cars out?

lets ban smoking in public, including cars, and while we are at it, lets ban take away McDonalds, every morning in my lovely countrside road there are burger cartons, pepsi cups, McDonalds bags all thrown out of car windows from kids from the night before on their way home. they are spoiling the british countryside, perhaps Mc Donalds should print all take away vehicle numbers on all the wrappings, then we could catch and fine the messy sods.
I am a bit mr. grumpy tonight, still trying to pluck up courage to have cat put down.
Why Percy P ? Is the poor thing ill - or just because you feel grumpy?
How about the police doing something about inconsiderate cyclists on the pavement? Nearly got mown down twice yesterday within 50 yards. Adult cyclists. There is a cycle lane designated on the road.
Friend of mine got an on the spot £50 fine for throwing a cigarette end out the car window. The police were keen for a while a year or two ago, seems they've got other things to do now.
I agree daisy, on Sunday got stuck behind a group of about fifty cyclists all in the same gear so obviously a club outing, cycling three abreast and all ignoring the clearly marked cycle lane. luckily Trish was driving and our right hand turn came up because if it had been me I'd have been tempted to get in front forced them to stop and had word or two with them
Please don't generalize smokers, I would never throw a lit cigarette out of a car because a) I aren't stupid enough, and b) I couldn't afford the littering fine.
And you drive a plastic car smothers a danger of it making a hole in the bodywork. ;-)
agree with craft, am also a smoker, never ever throw butts out of my car, or smoke while transporting children!.......all smokers are not irresponsible folk!.....
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craft i am not generalizing smokers i know there are some considerate smokers out there but i get really peed off when some think its ok to throw a lit cig out of their car
I have a special envelope in my car that was given out by York City Council in which ti put cigarette ends to save littering the streets with them, they were handing them out in the city centre several months ago.

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