I'm doing roast beef for my mum (dad and brother) followed by chocolate fondants with ice cream. I bought her a dinky little pot plant as well. She came shopping with me this morning so she know what she's getting :o)
Just relaxing, I was out last night for a bit and I've been out seeing my dad and sister (just come over from auzzie) today so I'm looking forward to not doing very much.
My mum headed home Wednesday after looking after me (very well) after my op, so although I'm still getting myself better I'll be doing something delayed for Mother's Day - card of course been sent though.
Another relaxing recovery day for me, going to get into town for a coffee then try and potter a bit further if not too busy people wise. Much will probably be spent curled up with the cats watching my new obsession, Gossip Girl :)
Aubergine and goat's cheese stack to start, followed by roast chicken and turkey crown with all the trimmings. Something vegetarian for MIL but not sure what yet.
I don't get the whole 'mother's day lunch' thing. I'll nip round with a card, wine and flowers at some point but that's it. I'll barely even see my own daughter cos she spends Sundays with her dad :(
I shall put some flowers on my mother's grave - out of duty really as I feel no connection with her in the cemetery. If I'm honest the whole going out for lunch thing she liked to do was a bit of a pain at the time.
I'd take wine to me mammy's too Karen but she had her annual quota last weekend for her 80th. I'd only have to drink it myself and we all know where that can end up. :)
I know what you mean Douglas - why do they have to make it a Sunday? If it was a Saturday you could buy her 2 bottles, drink them yourself and be fine for Monday :) (ps If anyone told my 86 year old granny she had a 'quota', she'd lamp them :) )
My daughter is cooking a meal for me. Strange to think that when I was young it was a religious thing called Mothering Sunday and we didn't give cards at all. If we could manage it moneywise, we might give a small bunch of violets, nothing else. Oh yes, there were buns called Mothering Buns, of course. They had icing on the top and were sprinkled with hundreds and thousands. Yummy.
not looking forward to tomorrow tigger, my husband and family will be far away, so on my own for Mother's day, and to make it worse, it's our Wedding Anniversary too!.......think I may just ignore it all and go shop till I drop!...