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Calling Mrs Overall... Anxious to know...

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lardhelmet | 21:55 Sun 18th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
How did your hair turn out today?


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Shes gone back to her natural look - bald and shiney
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Thanks daffy. Mouse -who'd have thought it eh?
I suspect she is otherwise occupied at the moment entertaining clients with the Marigolds and cattle prod.
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then the shears and the razor were the option, along with some meths to harden the scalp....
Ahem, after a fashion, Blonde

Oi you lot!

I am a temporary shade of mouse.

In the next week or two I shall be more vibrant, in keeping with my sparkling personality.

I was offended this morning when a friend called. Bear in mind I am a 6ft beanpole and this morning had an orange barnet...and I think being called Belisha was not nice :-(
I can't imagine people walking across you, Mrs O, or Steve Wonder standing on you, singing, "Now you see me, now you don't."
DT, for once I am not going to threaten you with a slap cos I was very impressed with your "whelm" argument
Bedankt, Mrs O.....
You certainly keep us entertained Mrs O :))
Yeah! Don't keep us in suspenders Mrs O. How's the hair?

"and I think being called Belisha was not nice :-("

Think yourself lucky, madam. His full name was Hore Belisha, so just be grateful that you were called by the last part rather than the first.

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