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Space Hoppers

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joggerjayne | 08:13 Mon 19th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Has anyone else got the advert for "Pretty Bras For Big Busts" on their AB page?

Sizes up to ... 56K ?

For some reason, I can't stop thinking of space hoppers.


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Lucky you !

I've got Download a Free Audio Book :(
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That's not as interesting as mine.
It's targeted advertising JJ perhaps they think you 'fit the bill'
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Well, sadly (or maybe thankfully!) I don't.
you got the wrong had sqads ads he had your 'famous cablecars of Switzerland' ad
Am I missing something? Don't have any ads on my pages.
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rowan ... "that" cable car was in Italy!


mags ... no ads at all? Do you have some sort of "anti ad" software?
I've got one about dying unexpectedly. Maybe my enormous boobs are going to suffocate me.
I've got pet insurance
I have holiday ad....maybe they think I need one ?
I'm being offered an organic veg box, I wonder if it will contain any melons?
I guess you've been looking at bras lately then JJ. All I see is Tesco Clubcard to the right, and an ad failing to come in on the left.

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Space Hoppers

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