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Jacob | 17:32 Tue 17th Jun 2003 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
If they breed so quickly and i such vast numbers, why isn't the entire planet covered in them?


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Insects cover the entire planet. There are more insects &/ or ants than humans. Birds & animals eat insects.
and most of the insects are eaten by other insects.
The same reason it isn't covered with beavers, parsley or anything else: as soon as there is a large increase in the number of, say, flies in an area, the fly-eating population thrives and multiplies until there are so many fly-eaters that they have consumed almost all of their prey, then the number of fly-eaters starts to diminish due to starvation. Once there are sufficiently few predators, the fly population increases again, etc. etc.
collectivelyand pound for pound, insects far outweigh animals but as has been said, no saturation apart from at plaguetime :-)
species equilibria - its a big subject. Incidentally the film "The Matrix" classifies humans as a virus as we can't reach some form of equilibrium, we just keep expanding in numbers. (Makes you think hey?)
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Hehe, oi loikes this woman abigail, oi think oi could quite fancy her with her witty ways! Don't suppose youm is free this weekend m'dear?

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