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Oldie Crossword 280

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anikomo | 14:38 Fri 09th Mar 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Would appreciate help with final 3 clues.
31a. Disturbing artist with hesitation in untidy attic.(9) I have A?A?M?T??
35a. Run into revolutionary still showing courage.(5) I have N?R??
28d. Opening for really uncultured Australian music fan? (6) I have R????R


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35a nerve
31a Traumatic - 'RA + um' (artist + hesitation) (in) anag 'attic'
31 Traumatic
31a Traumatic
28d Rocker - r(eally) + 'ocker' (uncultured Australian)
R ocker
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Thank you all so very much! Really grateful for your help.
traumatic nerve rocker

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Oldie Crossword 280

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