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It started after the budget.

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TWR | 11:02 Fri 23rd Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I wonder how many elderly people voted for the Lib-Dem, I also wonder did they believe the cr@p & lies before the election from the nodding dog & his master, I also notice the blunt of the people moaning are the pensioners, if you voted for this lot congratulations you have paid the price.


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What was the alternative? A Labour government who all but bankrupted the country?

(BTW I am NOT a pensioner)
And who will take the country to bankruptcy again - they never learn.
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Did Labour attemp to put people with L.D. on the dole?
TWR, if I started listing the faults of the last Labour government I would be here until the end of time
TWR....I really can't see your point..............both main parties warned of cuts ahead, the only difference being, the speed of those cuts.
I think a lot of people have misunderstood what is happening with the freezing of the age-related tax allowances and the further large increase in the basic tax allowance. These changes are a step towards removing some of the anomalies in our tax system. I have never understood why pensioners have a higher tax allowance than for example a low income working non-pensioner.

The budget is actually hitting middle income earners most - the taxation of child benefit and another REDUCTION in the starting point for when the 40% tax rate kicks in.
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Mrs Overall, I have supported people whom had L.D. they looked forward to going to work, that will shortly stop, bus passes for the pensioners, to stop, just keep a check on your bank! why, if this shower carry on you will be paying for everything within the NHS, I do agree Labour was bad, but not as wicket as these lying Basds.
TWR, I'm not sticking up for "this lot". I think all politicians are the devil incarnate
The Labour party got a fair bit wrong but I don't think one can reasonably blame them for what was caused by those morons that are supposed to be the cream of the banking industry, and we need to pay fat bonuses to attract and keep, did. Had the government started interfering with the banking system beforehand all hell would have broken loose.

What gets me is I learn today that hot food bought whilst out shopping, in town etc. has been the target of a tax hike ! Sneaked that one in didn't they. Obviously they want us all to eat our pasties and sausage rolls cold whilst on the move.
Old Geezer, that one annoyed me too. I cannot see the point of it.
Just as well I like cold sausage rolls
Do you disagree with the Coalition plans to increase the state pension to £140 a week by 2016?

The Coalition's programme stated "We will protect key benefits for older people such as the winter fuel allowance, free TV licences, free bus travel, and free eye tests and prescriptions."

Personally I think the winter fuel payment is an anomaly and should be added to the basic pension and be taxable.

Sorry TWR, the last link didn't work
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O.G. keep reading the papers, there will be a lot more to come yet, Mrs, I think you are right, I should have said, I know you are right.
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Have you seen pigs fly Factor?
OG - to which I would add the American morons and the real estate business out there who got onto a "Star Bubble" as to that market, esp California....then the drive for short term profits through the derivatives markets. Not enough is being done to take out some of the extreme edges of that.

As to hot food, there is a way around - if you deal with a local shop, see if they can do something like sell a lollipop for the price of say a pastie plus a few p and give away the hot pastie.

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It started after the budget.

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