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Bath mat

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sherrardk | 21:46 Fri 23rd Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Bought a non-slip bath mat today (for some reason, it has been the highlight of the kids' day - they are easily pleased). It is round on the ends but at one end their is a circle cut out (about 5cm across and about 3cm from the top edge) - what's that all about (it's from Aldi so I suppose it could be some foreign thing). Any ideas anyone?


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Maybe it's a shower mat and that is for the drain
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Don't think so - it is longer than a usual bath mat, covers about 4/5 of the bath but the hole wouldn't fit over the plug hole.
maybe just a fancy design type thingy
Is it to hang it up?
You know Aldi its probably a job lot they bought from an East European country their baths & showers are different from ours.

I've had our bath taken out and a double shower put in instead it covers all the bath area, your mat would fit fine, I'd cut the bit with the hole off.

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Just looks daft but the kids like the colour of it and it is bumpy (thing 1 complained that it hurt her bottom!).
I thought the same as jem, could it be for a wet room? Weird idea nontheless.
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It said bath mat on the label - but I've chucked that out now. Will have to see if they have any left next time I go and see if it has any clues!
Sher, bite the bullet and either try Poundstretchers or Asda
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Hi Alba, looked for one in the week but the colour of this one caught my eye. Didn't spot the stupid cut-out bit till I got it home.
Hi Sher x Come to think of it I could do with a new one. There's only so much scrubbing can do.

My current one is pink, which ticks off the three men in this house nicely :-)
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The old one had ducks on it but they started coming off - the new one 'turns' the water blue. Most of the ones I have seen have got huge bumpy, something-therapy lumps on them. The kids like it so that's ok.

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