Morning, not sensible, more insensible considering the time i woke up, but with the promise, fingers xxx, the weather looks set fair, so shorts and t shirt on and get some much needed colour to my pasty looking face. Did take a boat ride yesterday, first of the year, sadly we had to share it with loads of tourists but when the sun shines even the Thames looks lovely.
Morning Lord Boaty xx, em and nox. How are you all? It's a lovely start to the day here in Sussex. Should be another good one. It was my birthday yesterday and I had waaayyyy too much champagne , which seemed like a wheeze of an idea at the time. This morning though, there are little men with clogs and hammers inside my skull. So, today will be a very quiet day....sshhh, not so loud please!.
janbee those clogs can do some damage i know, my washing machine is causing my headache this morning, it's on it's last legs, or whirls and should buy a new one, but will keep going i think till it expires of old age.
A nippy misty morning but looks as though it will burn off. Same tomorrow I think. Im doing the Sports Relief 1 mile run tomorrow so dont want it too warm. Have a great weekend all those not working
Morning all, the sun is breaking through and I'm just finishing my final washing load. About to peg out now leaving myself free to enjoy the day. Head off to the coast I think for a walk and a bit of lunch, but leaving time to go a spot of planing int he garden this afternoon.