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Restaurant type music

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mcguire88 | 20:42 Fri 18th Nov 2005 | Music
3 Answers
Can anyone recommend a song/piece of music that would suits a restaurant mood for a piece of drama? thanks.


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Good question this. Of which I have given considerable thought.

The best song (instrumental) which springs to my mind is "The Nearest Faraway Place" on The Beach Boys 20/20 CD. A beautiful piece which I would love to hear in any restaurant.

The CD is very cheap on amazon which is doubled up with their "Friends" CD. Therefore two classic CD's on one for about 6 quid!

Let me know how you get on.

With vocals or without ?

With vocals - Lovely soft romantic jazzy balled by Gordon Haskell called How Wonderful You Are.

You can hear part of it (or see the video) on his web site

Acker Bilk. Stranger on the Shore. I find that very relaxing.

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Restaurant type music

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