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Just testing

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WyeDyed | 23:15 Fri 23rd Mar 2012 | Internet
4 Answers
I'm having trouble posting on another forum. I can access all parts of it and even moderate on it but I can't post. I can't get onto Facebook and I notice that the ads on here are randomly blank.
I did update Firefox this morning but I'm not sure that's the problem.

Anyway, here goes...


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Mmm, that worked ok, so now I'm confused.
Well, Ive still not got any coloured tabs and everybody who should have a jellybaby avatar is just a blank White square.
Put a shilling in the meter :)
Question Author
I'm still experiencing problems, I have performed a cold restart.
The adverts on the top and sides are blank on here but the one by "Best Answer" is there.
It is only the two sites I mentioned that are giving me problems.
My system is:
Windoze Vista SP2
Firefox 11.0
Avast! 7.0.1426

Any suggestions?

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Just testing

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