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Honest opinion on the Budget?

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TWR | 20:32 Wed 21st Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Is it a Buget for the better off? has it done you any favours?


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YES and NO!!Both questions answered in that order.
Probably not
I'm a pensioner with Age Related Allowance and a 'few bob' invested, done bu**er all for me in fact has penalised me. Roll on the next election - UKIP.
TWR - Judge for yourself. I've been given an extra £5.30 a week state pension. Less weekly increases of 20% income tax £1.06, Council tax £4.50, water rates £0.87, gas/electric £4.40. Nett result: a weekly loss of £5.53. Then of course fuel increases at the pumps and weekly shopping bill rises.

Not really a favour is it?
dont care taxman is gonna get my money no matter how he phrases it
Could be bettter, could be worse. The BBC reckons I'm fractionally better off. Not sure I believe it but still, nice to think it might be. Whether the ecomony will improve as a result, well time will tell.
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There is an answer to this Sir, do you fancy meeting up & smash a few windows / cars / blow up a few building?
TWR - There's already enough of that going on in UK already.
Question Author
At least we would get looking after with a full meal & all that goes with it inside.
TWR - do you mean we would be looked after like Abu Qatada was?
yes and no. apart from trying to get near enough to blow up downing st i dont know what i can do to protest about it.
Put all the pensioners in prison. Three meals a day, no tax, no mortgage, free television all day. Exercise in moderation.

Put the criminals on council estates. No fuel, no food, council tax, etc.

This country has everything wrong!
lol. Sir Alec. you are so right.
Question Author
You have that in one Sir, the system is a joke.

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Honest opinion on the Budget?

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