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if its not too cloudy where you are...

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mrsmaveric | 20:20 Sun 25th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
pop outside and have a glance at the moon with saturn and venus shining next to it... its lovely..


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Just done that, really lovely
It is but think it's Jupiter and Venus.
OMG ... the one to the left of the moon, and up a bit ...

... that's SO bright !!!!!

Which one is that?
Venus, if you have good binocs or a telescope, you can, apparently, see the moons.
moons on jupiter that is
That is Venus JJ , the one almost directly below the Moon is Jupiter.
Wow, it's HUGE !
It's lovely out there. Not often you can see many stars generally here (near Manchester City Centre) - moreso planes heading to/from the airport or copper choppers - but they are lovely and bright.
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i never was good at naming the planets lol...but it is a lovely sight...
Yip its lovley out there tonight! saw all the stars, wish i could sleep under them!
At the mo, the moon is along the coast, so towards Worthing, I suppose.

It's a sort of orange glow in that direction (that's probably all the people in Hove switching on their electric blankets, he he).

... but it's still really bright.
Beautiful sight isn't it? Make the most of it, don't think they will appear to be so close for another 24 years!
My lad bought a decent pair of binoculars a few weeks ago, I was amazed when he focused on Jupiter, could see 3 of the moons:-)
thankyou for telling us, its a beautiful sight from here in Devon, clearly see everything and through the binoculars, WOW !
I'm moving down south!!

Can't see anything in Bolton and couldn't see the Space Station either.
MASS ... you can't see anything in Bolton because the sky is full of smoke from all the fireworks after yesterday's result ...

Bolton 2 - 1 Blackburn
That'll be it Jogger. Other than that the clouds are a bit low!

Not from Bolton so don't support them, good result though, for more than 1 reason.
I think it was a bit of a lower table dogfight between Bolton and Blackburn.
The triangle will appear again on Monday evening, March 26th, although the vertices will be shifted as the Moon glides from Jupiter to Venus. Observing tip: Look before the sky fades completely black. Bright planets are extra-beautiful when they are framed by twilight blue.

Also Mars is still shining bright there .Easily spotted without Binos tinge of red different from other planets then look for Saturn to the left of that.

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if its not too cloudy where you are...

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