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sprayermick | 10:12 Mon 26th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Can somebody tell me how the "Freedom of information act" works, can anyone request information from either government bodies or registered businesses and if so how do you go about getting such information and also are they lawfully obliged to respond to such rquests?


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That last line should read REQUESTS.
I believe it only applies to govt bodies.
apparently passing that law, and letting people finding out what their government is doing, was Tony Blair's greatest regret.

Not all the wars.
jno - probably the pompous twit's only regret
What sort of information are you talking about? As regards registered businesses, certain information about these is in the public domain and accessible through the Companies House website:

just write to them stating clearly you are requesting the information under the terms of the FOI act they have 28 days to reply I think... however they don't have to release info that would threaten national security or the safety of an individual or group
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Thanks for your answers folks, it was no company in particular, I just wondered how it worked.

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