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What a morning !!!

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TheOtherHalf | 11:04 Wed 28th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Im really angry at the moment and have come on here to calm down, hopefully. Im just so fed up with arriving at work to find that the shift on yesterday after I left, didnt do anything except sit around on her backside all afternoon and I came in and had to start doing loads of things before I could start my own work !!! Its happened so many times now that Ive just sent an email to our boss in Scarborough to do something about it. My email will have come across as very agressive (which Im not really) but had to get it off my chest. Certain colleagues ( well even thats too good for them ) are continually leaving everything for that other somebody to do. No teamwork whatsoever !!

Im just so angry grrrrrrrrrrr..............

I feel better already but I think this keyboard is suffering a bit


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I'm fightened !

Nessie TLNM

What do you do?
Well done TOH. Idlers have to be dealt with or they will never do anything. xx
Lazy barstewards deserve a kick up the jacksy
Well done TOH.

Its because you care that you were so angry and aggressive, unlike the others who don't give a monkey's bo88ocks. I hope things change soon.
The only answer I have found is a list of tasks that need doing. Delegate who does them and get them to sign when done.
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Thanks for your support everyone.
Gavmacp - Thats what should happen, but they sign to say theyve done them even when they havent !!
I still not heard anything from The Boss. Hoping to hear today. Shes based at Scarborough and has only recently taken over the running of Bridlington, so we havnt really had anyone overlooking us since about October which is one reason why some are getting away with what they can.

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What a morning !!!

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