Hello all, thanks again for all the new messages, you've no idea how uplifting they are (Together with the "Jokes" topic and of course
Ab Editor's vereration slot/book, infact Ive read many books shorted than that and far less entertaining to boot.
Tried the Bishop... Will not intervene in the matter, says it's down to the incumbant. The Vicar will not allow another celebrant in the church..
So..... It's got to be the local church and on to the cemetery... At least I will fulfill one of Christines wishes, or even two, that she be buried with her late husband and that she wasnt cremated... doesnt stop me feeling guilty that I've let her down though.
Looking at it from another point of view though, I'm only burying her remains, no her, she will live on in the memories of her relatives and friends in a form that is not bound by petty red tape and bureaucracy