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Ladies, at what age do you think you become "invisible"?

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mrs_overall | 18:32 Wed 28th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
When the wolf whistles stop (not that they ever started in my case lol) etc


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They never started for me....

what you never had you never miss
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Awww rowan, I'm sure that is not true xx
Believe me its true...shouted insults maybe...
Still get the fleeting glance, that will do for me
I think I became invisible when I became a couple - maybe you just don't exude the same confidence? I sometimes still get a look or a comment - but rarely.

Im in my 20's
I intend to stay visible until I die even if it means purple and green hair. Heard on the radio recently that someone wants to make wolf whistling illegal. I`ll gladly pay their fine if anyone wants to wolf whistle at me.
I've never had legs !

Waaaaaaaaaaaa !

Nessie TLNM :(
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At once?
Form a queue triggs ...
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filthy beast!
Triggs, dirty sod, that did make me laugh.
Well I got a few appreciative glances today when I was out in the car with the top down, (the roof, not mine), but in hindsight they were probably directed at the car.
I get looks/whistles etc and i will defo miss them when i go...thats terrible isnt it but who dosent like a wee bit of attention xx
the other day, when trudging home from work (in uniform- obviously), laden down with shopping bags, this nubile teen in skinny shorts and tight t-shirt passed me. Every single car driver, looked her way, some whistled if their windows were down and one bloke literally stopped walking when he saw her. How many looks whistles etc did I get as I passed her? Smegging none!!!

I wanted to push the cow into the road :-(
I get a wolf-whistle two or three times a week & i'm of retirement age....
Mind you its from the Parrot outside the pet shop if you give him a few grapes. Perhaps it would work as well on the lads at the building site, if I threw them a bunch maybe.

The only admiring glances I get now are from gays:-( They must like my battered rugby face!
jem - that made me laugh !

I still get the odd wolf whistle and admiring glance, so I've still got it - couldn't compete with a real babe though !

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Ladies, at what age do you think you become "invisible"?

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