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At the job Centre yesterday

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albaqwerty | 15:33 Fri 30th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Joiners wanted in Brighton (Me to Mr Alba, you could stay with JJ)
Ditto for London (Me to Mr Alba, you could stay with Em10)
Ditto for Blackpool (Mr to Mr Alba, you could stay with JTH)
Ditto for Aberystwyth, the Welsh are safe :)


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We could do with a joiner around the house for a few days. We have 2 spare rooms. Mr Alba will like Bridlington. Nice paddle first thing every morning
Question Author
oooh TOH, I could do with a joiner around the house too :-)

I might have to bribe you to keep him there tho.
When we left the service after the war my BIL said to me '' That's me finished I shall not join anything else again not even hands.''

W Ron.
Question Author
My dad taught me never to volunteer for anything :-)
I enjoy my voluntary work at Oxfam - it is better than the years that I toiled away in the civil service...
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Wolfie, I didn't mean it like that :(
I forgot my smiley face. My dad used to come out with the never volunteer stuff too - national service has much to answer for.

Many of my ex-colleagues now work in the job centre and they hate it. How can you get people into jobs when there are no jobs?

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My dad was in WW2 so I guess he also knew about not volunteering :-)

I've an appointment (again) next Thursday with my advisor. There are no flipping jobs locally and I ain't going to move hundreds of miles away (neither is Mr Alba) although not dedicated carers to his father, we are across the road from this nice senior gentleman.
when on parade in the RAF an officer asked if anybody could play a musical instrument. Two men volunteered and were taken to the Officers mess to move a piano.
So where are all these jobs that Bill & Ben of No 10 are always talking about ?

W Ron.
Question Author
Heaven knows Ron. If they kick-start construction, that would lead to a huge variety of jobs and not just the plumbers, brickies, sparks and so on.
Never Never Land Ron!
I notice she never offered him to me :-(

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At the job Centre yesterday

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