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How to report on FB.

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divegirl | 10:46 Sat 07th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Hi, anyone know where and how to report a profile that is basically a guy[ who says he is 41] writing perverse and sexual comments about under age girls?

I know I can make my daughter delete this page but I want to report him first. I'm normally pretty up to date on this sort of stuff but a link would really help.It may be anger clouding my vision!

Lisa x


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Go to the page and look at the top right hand side where you see a cog icon, click it and choose report/block at the bottom of the list.
you should also report this to the police as I do think they would be interested if it is as you say it is,
Question Author
Thats the thing daffy....the report page doesn't appear to take it far can't say why why you are reporting other than it's not a real person posting.
Agreed Dotty...police will be getting a call!

Lisa x

Is this page any help?
I think you can enlarge on the reason for reporting:
Question Author
Thank you both...I have seen those pages but like I said there seems to be no place to expand on the reason...

It's not exactly porn... more paedophilia in my eyes.

Lisa x
Is there not a CEOP button on FB, I think this alerts the police.
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Someone who hasn't the cajones to do it under their own username methinks Daffy.
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Calm down people! I have made a report via CEOP and am just about to ring the local police.
I don't believe this to be an active paedophile [just some sick individual] but will be taking no chances, their profile shows them as a 41 yr old male and I just asked 'him' who he really was and he linked me to a young girls profile.
I will be taking no chances believe me!

Lisa x
well done Lisa, they should sort it out for you. Don't destroy your evidence yet or at least capture the webpage.
I'm not bullying you garfookle, it seems a bit strange that your first post is quite abrupt, Lisa I am sure will do the right thing, she has been given good advice by members and could be acting on it as we speak. My sincerest apologies if I have upset you.
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Good Lisa, hopefully the police will catch this creep.
Question Author
Well, the police will do sweet FA so I'll just have to bang on to FB to get him removed.

This is not the first time I have spotted something like this on FB [well daughter alerted me to it last time] and I got the guy to delete his account by threatening to report him.
the police did say if FB had not been in contact with in a few days to ring them again.... do not too sure what to do now :0/

Lisa x

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How to report on FB.

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