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Faberge Egg

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albaqwerty | 07:57 Sun 08th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Can we have a whip-round please to get one for Nora ?


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only if you have millions to spare......
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I know Em, but it's the thought that counts :-)
hope someone thinks well of me to buy me one, i think they are fabulous.
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ooooh Em, aren't they just lovely. Some more so than others but I like the darkroasted one.

Whip round please AB'ers for Em and me too :-)
And me - any one of them - they are all lovely.
Any one with an inside track to Buck Pal and nick one from there?
DT, not if you value your liberty, can't see her Maj having them on display as to have one nicked.
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gerrin the queue Brenden :-D

DT, if anyone had an inside track, they'd probably keep quiet about it :-(
well borrow one then.

Ever seen an all silver one?

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Faberge Egg

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