It's Sunday and it's cloudy but a lot warmer this morning here in Gloucestershire.
Makes a nice change! We might even see a bit more summer before we turn to autumn like we did about this time last year!
One of my pet hates is at the checkout in a supermarket. Person in fron is having the stuff scanned, my stuff is on the belt waiting, then the idiot behind pushes me with their trolley a few times. I can't go anywhere FGS !!!
What annoys me at the checkout is the person in front, in their own little world, a loaded trolley, starts packing, finishes packing, then spends ages looking for her purse. or the basket only checkout with one or two items and wants to pay by card. Very annoying!
Another one, Boaty, the person in front gets on the bus, then she fumbles in her handbag for her purse to pay the bus fare. Did she not think about it before hand?
alba, it's the ones who ask the bus driver which direction he is going, how they get to xxx, how long does it take, where should they get off, by which time i am tearing my hair out. And they are often the British who seemingly can't read, because bus stops have all the info, and an arrow which tells you which way the thing is going, i can just about excuse the endless tourists who do it, only just.. hurrumph.
morning from a cloudy wee sunny spells kind of day in Edinburgh..going up to my mum and dad's for din dins today..will probably eat lots of chocolate too !!! happy days to you all ..