Answering questions quickly in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Answering questions quickly

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Tilly2 | 16:09 Mon 09th Apr 2012 | Crosswords
32 Answers
Shooty, Lie-in-King and Boxtops (and lots of others) How do you answer the questions so quickly? This is not me being petulant. It's a genuine query.

Are you looking at a different page from the one I'm looking at? My page has the latest posts on the right hand side and sometimes, when I click on the latest one, it says no answers yet received. I type in ADA and send it off and three people have got there before me.

Do you just have a quicker reaction time or am I on the wrong page?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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shooty, spotted those earlier
Re those ^^ - I do blame the new advert next to the Best Answer box, you can't see if anyone's already answered
If I give an answer to the Times Cryptic it's because I've already done it online.
If I see, Lie in King, Kayakamina, DTCrossword, Shooty, Slaney, Boxtops - you know the top ten of Q & P, I dont bother looking in at all. I just go for the virgin posts and hope for the best. Only use my brain unless it is one of these questions that nobody is having any luck with me included. At work cant do much as there is an internet block on anagram and crossword solver. If AB gets blocked there is not much left and I will have to do some work for a change!
I wouldn't have time to look at AB at work, we can't access social networking sites anyway.... I type fast, I know I do, but I don't have all those other tabs open, only the Anagram solver (and occasionally dictionary.com).
I do have a habit of going to the front page often and looking for unanswered posts though, especially first thing in the morning!
I'm the same as Grasscarp, if I see about 4 or 5 answers showing usually I don't bother looking.
when/if i have answered, whether first OR in a group of ABers all with the correct answer, i have always just worked the clue out!

if i have the crossword by me completed, i admit that when i answer!

but okng at the crossword clues NOT the tickertape is quicker by far!
Tilly, I only ever look at Latest Posts, I never go to the topic sections first.
We all do what we do!!!
If you want to be fast, pick up your pace.
If you want to parse with elegance, take note of bibblebub and L-I-K
If you need a Latin translation, ask Mike1111
If you want to be like me, go to the pub : )
; )

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