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Mancunian Susanna

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joggerjayne | 08:26 Wed 11th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
That's a VERY boob-hugging little dress ... and shorter than usual.

Now that Susanna is a Mancunian, is she going to change her look?


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What's this Susanna mania all about? Sure, she's a reasonably attractive woman, though not a patch on the 17-year old Brigitte Bardot...or even the 70-year old Sophia Loren! There are several more fanciable women to be seen regularly in my local.
Is it all just deliberate silliness?
I'm waiting for JJ to answer my Question, Well JJ?
Deliberate sillyness it may be Q..... but Susanne or the 77-year old Brigitte Bardot...or even the 77-year old Sophia Loren (both born 1934 like me) contest ;-)
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TWR ...

Sorry, I hadn't been back to this thread.

No, I'm not "on the other bus", LOL ... (I like that expression, he he)

The thing about Susanna is that she's a great role model for those of us of (ahem) ... a "certain age".

Okay, okay ... in our forties.

She looks good at really early times of day, she has good fashion sense, she plays on her assets and teases the viewers, she runs a huge amount to keep fit, she comments intelligently on literature ...

I admire her.

And ... having once done a thread called "Susanna Watch", commenting on something she was wearing, it's quite amusing to keep it going. Well, it amuses me, anyway ... easily pleased, and all that.

But no ... I'm not on the other bus. Not for Susanna, at least. For Angelina Jolie, I'd think about it, LOL. Or Tyra Banks.

Note to self: maybe quit now, while you're ahead?

Note to self: are you actually ahead?

Note to self: stop doing notes to self!
The number 96 goes from Brighton Central Station to W. Lambeth where she lives....
I must admit she a stunner JJ, but I think the Bebe are going a bit too far with the closeness of presenters! I bet bill loves it though??? I'll let you think about that?????
I'm glad you likes the statement LOL LOL XX
Damn, what vision of beauty have I missed this morning from the fair Susanna?
black knicker flashing in a tangerine dress, Phil.

TWR is convinced that JJ has the hots for Susanna. The "bus" (no 96 or is that 69) will get JJ from Brighton to Lambeth, though JJ may have to out- run the Archbishop of C's heavies....
69??????????????? bloody hell DT, give up will you.
and who started it?
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I think the Beeb know what they are doing, TWR ... deliberately cultivating a slightly intimate atmosphere.

And they know exactly what length to make Susanna's skirt. Will she or won't she cross her legs? Will the guys get a quick flash? Okay, we all do it ... but she does it in front of millions of viewers, so another reason to say ... fair play to her!

It's a standard way of keeping people watching, though ... never mind the content, just bring on the totty.

Saturday morning childrens' programmes are the biggest culprits. The presenters are always attractive females, in tight jeans, or shorts, and tops that show just a bit too much midriff. And what do the BBC production team call it? ... "something for the dads"!!

Well, the BBC Breakfast team do the same thing. They use Susanna to keep the guys watching after the sports results have finished. And ... she loves it. She strokes her own legs, crosses and uncrosses them, looks into the camera as if she's about to shag it, and pouts continuously.

And why do I admire her for that? Because she has them all eating out of her hand. She is the one in control of that show. When we go out in public, secretly, all of us would like to be like Susanna. Effortlessly, and totally, in control.
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ps. In what parallel universe would I want to go to Lambeth ???
I dont know about eating out of her hand JJ???? I'll let you think about that????? & you DT>
If only you all looked like Susanna, JJ.............
lol JJ - very true!
I always find it an odd thread, news presenters are news presenters, I rarely give them a lot of thought let alone dedicate a daily thread, each to his own though

im not trying to be a grump about it x

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