I feel so sad reading these posts about awful mothers-in-law. They should be happy that their sons have found someone to share their lives with and welcome their wives into the family. I have two sons, always wanted a daughter but we decided to stop at two children. My older son got married at the age of 36 so it was a long wait to get the daughter (not daughter in law) I always wanted. I love her to bits and do anything I can to help her out. She had two caesarians to give us our two gorgeous little grandsons and post op. I would cook meals, shop, take the ironing home to do - anything that would make her life easier and all this goodwill is 100% reciprocated. And when it comes to presents, we tend to give our kids money and she gets exactly the same, she's family and we wouldn't dream of treating her any differently.
One good thing to come out of all these terrible relationships is that those of you young mums who have sons and will one day become mothers-in-law, will know exactly what to do and what not to do to create harmony in the family.