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Think ill have a clear out again

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tinkerbell23 | 18:06 Sat 14th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
See whats for ebay or not!!

Remember i chucked 20 bin bags over 3 days not long ago !

Not sure i have anything left!!!! LOL

Anyhow. Staying in tonight and off the not even fake tanned and thats saying something!!!!!! Lol xx


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Good grief.. no gin or fake tan.. you feeling ok?! haha ;)

My room is badly needing gutted :| Thing is, if I go to do it I put a cd or dvd on to keep me occupied in the background and then get distracted!
''im not even fake tanned''

Ah, that's the reason for the pale blue glow emanating from the North ;-p
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I know erin !!!!!

Ive shocked myself!???

I dnt even think i have anything to clear out though!?

Pair of kurt geigers i was a bit heavy on after a "cider sunday" but i cant part with them yet LOL!!!

Stick on a cd ..loud...and do it!!! Took me 3whole days last time but i felt flippn fantastic after xxx
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Snags....dont tempt me ...will be a whole new thread! I dont so well beinh this white im even tempted to go for a sunbed!!!!! X
Coo, tinks, that's brave of you.. can't seem to find time for that currently. Must pass on the 20 bags, though, need to open the storage container first :-)
Hmmmm... maybe tomorrow! lol!

You should embrace being peely wally! I'm so pale i'm almost translucent! I hate having a tan lol!
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I try erin...ive been usinh wash off stuff recently but i feel so white!! Lmao!!

I felt soooo good after the clear out. But now i cant seem to find anythin ebay worthy. Doh. Could do with the dosh!!

Anyone want a shake weight? Or some elemis stuff lol? X
Lol! Nahhh.. If you happen to have a Mulberry bag kicking about though i'll have it :) x
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Sadly not!!!

Uv reminded me of two Juicy Couture ones to sell though cheers lol x
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Och. Just looked them out. And a prada lime
Green bag and a storm one but i dont think i can part with them :0/ xx
Bags are one thing I can't part with. Actually, i'm lying. I'm a bit of a hoarder :|
it's free listing on Ebay today and tomorrow

Flog your stuff and then spend all the dosh on gin!
Oh thank god.
I thought you were discussing your bowels.
Kurt Geigers?..hmmm-my daughter would be interested in those. She's got a few already.
Speaking of my D-she *used* to be fake-tan-obsessive. She seems to be toning it down recently. Either she's too busy-or it's the
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Hahaha pasta shes a gal after my own heart!!!

I listed books for a friend there but i cant find anything to part with... DOH!!!!!!!

Mabye ill have a gin.... Mmmmmmmmm no lemon or lime though. Just not the same xx

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Think ill have a clear out again

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