Your link lists quite a few for starters:
(i) Cubes of all even natural numbers are even. (ii) Cubes of all odd natural numbers are odd. (iii) Cubes of numbers ending in digits 1, 4, 5, and 9 are the numbers ending in the same digit.
(iii) Cubes of numbers ending in digits 2 ends in digit 8.
(iv) Cubes of numbers ending in digits 8 ends in digit 2.
(v) Cubes of numbers ending in digits 3 ends in digit 7.
(vi) Cubes of numbers ending in digits 7 ends in digit 3.
And of course that old favourite:
for any integer n greater than or equal to 2, n³ can be represented as the sum of consecutive (positive) odd integers.
How old is your son and what level is he studying at?
Maybe he is just expected to explore for himself by identifying some cube numbers and looking for patterns and properties.