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Has anyone else got that sinking feeling ?

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TheOtherHalf | 07:45 Sun 15th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Today is the 100th year since the Titanic went down. Im sure prayers all over the country will be going out today for those who were lost

It must have been really terrifying for all those who knew they were going to die as there was no way out. My prayers go out to all those who perished



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mine too, although the tv coverage has been trivial and in bad taste in some cases!

thoroughly enjoyed the bbc2 music and memoirs last night!
DT that is quite an aggressive post towards me - I was merely trying to point out that these are two disasters that we all continue to remember that had played a major hand in changing H&S for the better!
Indeed seadogg, although we hear that ours is OK for now - we hope so, since it covers the whole of this south-eastern wedge of the country.
the aggression was more at marden fgt....however your remark is somewhat crass. Apologies but being from the NW originally and a Pool supporter though not born in the City, I did know 3 of the 96 who died - and it is that the event is still fresh in the minds of folk that makes the difference with the Titanic.

seadogg's comments are very apropos. Though some communication of events can no doubt be technologically centralised, it does not replace the local knowledge that current centres (like Falmouth) have of their shoreline and near-by waters.....a better model is needed.
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Thank you to all your comments and views. Im not singling out this event. I think whenever their is an anniversary of any tragedy, someone on here will post and most will support their post, even friends and relatives of Abers dying. I know I do, because we have all and will all go through death at sometime and its always sad, no matter how big or small the event.
TOH....good reply. CB is all about opinions from all personality types.
True TOH.......and there are examples passing through the Latest Posts in recent days and our support is there for those who are involved with their loved ones, one of the better features of AB.
fridge and marden - I agree.
A ship "Titanic" against an Iceberg, when that vessel was built, no contest! the plates where riveted not welded like the ships of today, the ship was safe, very safe, it sunk due to bad navigation? Capt Smith knew they were in an Iceberg area & should have Navigated accordingly due to his experience. & this was going to be his last trip before retirement.
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Thank you everyone. Perhaps the opposers to my post think we should stop thinking about them now that the anniversary is over.

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