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Times jumbo cryptic crossword 975.

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dunbraynin | 12:31 Tue 17th Apr 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
Ooops! Sorry. Letters should be G_E_O_R


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answer is on your other thread.

No need to start again to update something, just open up original thread and type in the answer box to keep it going.
No need to start another thread. We worked out that you had put wrong letters in the other one. You have still got it wrong as it is 6 letters not 7!
You can add to your own questions dun.
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Many thanks ubasses and grasscarp for tutorial. Have been using this site for several years and have never got into that sort of mess before so have never known/used the correct procedure. Will do better next time!!! Thank you dannyk13 for the answer. I'm getting too old for this game!!!

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Times jumbo cryptic crossword 975.

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